Bloomberg Law: Bill Limiting Nondisclosure Agreements Advanced by Senate Panel

A US Senate panel advanced a bipartisan bill aimed at limiting the use of workplace nondisclosure agreements after the committee delayed its consideration several times.

The legislation, known as the SPEAK Out Act (S.4524), would nullify nondisclosure agreements—which are often included in employment contracts—for workers reporting sexual harassment and assault allegations. Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson and her policy group Lift Our Voices is backing the measure.

The legislation specifically targets those agreements signed before a dispute arises. The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced the bill by a voice vote, after the House Judiciary Committee advanced a companion bill in July.

Since its introduction, the bill has had bipartisan, bicameral support, a rare feat for pro-worker legislation. During the committee markup, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and John Cornyn (Texas) expressed support for the bill, joining a handful of Democrats in doing so.

The bill’s path hasn’t been friction-free, however.


NY1: Gillibrand, Carlson partner to rein in NDAs in sexual harassment cases


In the Loop: How NDAs Can Hide Stories Of Sexual Misconduct