Where to find help
Lift Our Voices has compiled a list of resources for survivors of discrimination, sexual assault or harassment. If you or someone you know has experienced misconduct in the workplace, you can find legal assistance, mental health and crisis services, and other types of support from the following organizations.
Legal Resources
National Women's Law Center: A national nonprofit that focuses on women’s legal issues, the NWLC has information about workplace discrimination and a request form for legal assistance.
National Employment Lawyers Association: A national professional organization of attorneys who represent individual employees in cases involving employment discrimination and other employment-related matters. NELA has a "Find-A-Lawyer" search engine to identify an employment lawyer in your area.
Take Back the Night Foundation: 567-SHATTER is the free national legal hotline for all victims of sexual harassment, assault and rape to access a reputable legal team to learn their options for justice. Directed by Take Back The Night, the Hotline is staffed 24/7 by trauma-informed legal experts specializing in victim advocacy to best support victims when they call. Call 567-742-8837 or complete their online intake form.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: The EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and related conditions, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Workers who feel they have been discriminated against can file a charge on their website

Visit Take Back the Night and learn about how their nonprofit’s legal team can provide free information about your legal options upon receiving your hotline call.
Sexual & Gender-Based Assault Resources
National Sexual Assault Hotline: Operated by RAINN, this hotline serves people affected by sexual violence, automatically routing the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search for your local center here. Hotline: 800.656.HOPE
National Sexual Violence Resource Center: This site offers a wide variety of information relating to sexual violence including a large legal resource library and resources for friends and families of survivors.
Mental Health Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness: The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET. Volunteers can answer questions, offer support and provide practical next steps. Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), text "HelpLine" to 62640 or email helpline@nami.org.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357). They also have a search feature for finding treatment near you.
Defining Wellness Centers: Addiction treatment facilities that emphasizes a holistic, evidence-based approach to recovery. They provide informational content on their site including: understanding the impact of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder guides. They offer strong aftercare support to ensure long-term recovery. The center fosters a community atmosphere to provide ongoing support beyond treatment.
Bring Change to Mind: You can find resources here on how to talk about mental health issues with friends, family, or colleagues and learn ways to destigmatize and end discrimination around mental illness.
Discrimination Resources
The Wolf and The Bee provides resources, information, and tools for individuals and companies, to help navigate and resolve workplace harassment and discrimination, with a focus on corporate culture and career development.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF) is a non-profit legal organization fighting for racial justice. Using the power of law, narrative, research, and people, we defend and advance the full dignity and citizenship of Black people in America. A legal assistance request form can be filled out here.
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation is an organization working to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals through research, policy, education and advocacy initiatives. To receive information on litigation and advocacy resources fill out the HRC Impact litigation form here. You can find a list of contact information for programs associated with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation here. Phone number: (202) 628-4160
LatinoJustice is a national civil rights organization, serving the Latinx community in all 50 states and its territories. LatinoJustice operates a bilingual hotline for individuals to report and/or seek assistance on civil rights violations. The hotline number is 800.328.2322.
Stop AAPI Hate is a U.S-based coalition dedicated to ending racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAs & PIs) through research, policy & advocacy, community capacity building, and narrative change. You can find a list of community resources here. For questions, comments, and concerns fill out the contact form here.
Stand with Asian Americans (SWAA) is an organization working to raise awareness about anti-asian discrimination and harassment in the workplace. To report an instance of discrimination fill out their online form here.
Justice in Aging is an organization that focuses on advocacy, training, and litigation to positively impact the lives of low-income seniors, particularly in the areas of healthcare and economic security. For information on Justice in Aging pro-bono litigation partnerships click here.
AARP Foundation Litigation advocates for systemic change in federal and state courts nationwide to advance the legal rights and interests of people 50 and older.