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CBS Mornings: New Law Changes Right to Report Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work:

CBS Mornings: New law changes right to report sexual harassment and assault at work:

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson, who is also a former CBS News correspondent, led the effort to get the law passed with former Fox News contributor Julie Roginsky. For them, the Speak Out Act is about changing a culture rooted in silence. 

"If you are … one of the millions of workers in America who signed a non-disclosure agreement on your very first day of work, you now are able to raise your hand and say, 'My boss or my colleague is sexually harassing me,' or 'I was sexually assaulted,' and nobody's going to be able to prevent you up until the moment that you file a lawsuit," Roginsky said.

It is not unusual for companies and employers to use NDAs, which can help protect trade secrets. But the agreements have also been used to cover up bad behavior.